How Vision Boards Uncovered a 20-year Old Desire

Everyone has desires but sometimes the distractions of the daily grind and attending to what we think we are supposed to do can keep us from manifesting them. What are your desires? Would you like them to become your reality? Some desires are buried so far beneath the surface of our subconscious that we have to be still and quiet and dig deep into ourselves to start to figure out what we want. Becky Hammel shares her story about using vision boards to uncover a 20-year old desire; and her joy in discovering this.

I’m packing up for my “trip of a lifetime…” camping and fly fishing with my dad and kids on the Truckee River.

If you know me, you know I’m passionate about vision boards. Its a way to bring our desires to the visible surface. Sometimes we just don’t have the words to speak what it is we want. The images move and speak to us differently than words. Below is a clip from one of my recent vision boards. I was surprised what my deep down desire brought up – “HIS great adventure”?? What in the heck does that mean?

The image subtly caught my eye more and more as I gazed over the vision board – a photo of a father and daughter. And thats when it hit me, like an axe piercing my heart. Literally, I erupted in tears and waves of blocked emotions moved through me.

You see, growing up my siblings all got to go on a “special trip” with my dad as a right of passage of those later teenage years. My brother went fishing with him in Montana and my sister on a golf trip to Texas. As I was approaching 16, I was planning my trip – whale watching in Baja. I was (still am) obsessed with sea mammals, my bedroom was covered in whale posters, whale wallpaper, any whale paraphernalia I could get my hands on. That was going to be my trip.

Then my brother died just before I turned 16. And so did my special trip. It was just too painful to go on.

So I forgot about it after these 20 some years.

But my deep down desire didn’t. That part of me always had wanted to go. If you would have asked me about my fantasy travel plans, I would not have said that I wanted to fulfill that little Becky’s dream.

Behold the power of the vision boards – they truly bring our desires to the visible surface, even when we don’t have it in our consciousness, its that deep down knowing and wisdom that speaks. The crazy thing about vision boards is that we don’t know how they are going to unfold, the mystery, the God part, thats the magic that happens.

And so it is, my dad, my kids and I leave this Sunday for our special trip. It’s not whale watching in Baja (I got to do that last year, that’s a story for another time) but it is the special trip that is here to heal our hearts. I am ever so grateful.

It goes to show that no wish, no prayer is ever unheard – sometimes it just takes time and journey to go through.

Have we piqued your curiosity? Would you like to learn more about Vision Boarding? It is one of the three components of our Desire Through Silence Retreats. The retreat helps bring your desires to the visible surface using silence as the medium. The retreat also includes a very special yoga experience with a beautiful guided meditation. Your experience also includes a float before the retreat, a float during the retreat, and float within a week after the retreat. This process allows you to be moved by your desires, remember them, see them and transform them into reality.

The Desire Through Silence Retreat is facilitated by Becky Hammel at Peak Performance Float and Wellness Center. We can’t wait for you to discover your desires and manifest your new authentic reality! We hope to see you on June 28th, July 26th, or August 23rd.